Condition Notation of "Brand New":
Brand New items are new and unused merchandise. It may not be in its original packaging. They should perform as expected. If you pick up your item and it is not new, or does not work, you can return that item before you leave the pickup location. These items are guaranteed for functionality and completeness. A bidder must examine the item thoroughly when picking up. If the item is not brand new the bidder MUST report this at the warehouse prior to leaving the premises. Once the bidder has left the premises with the item, TMLDEALS It cannot issue any refund for issues arising with the item. It is highly suggested to come to preview BEFORE placing a bid, to ensure you are completely satisfied with your purchase.

Condition Notation of "Appears New":
These are items that appear to be in a new condition or have never been used previously. These items are not tested for functionality or completeness -for items that are marked "appears new" a bidder must examine the item thoroughly when picking up. If the item does not appear new or unused or if there is an issue, the bidder MUST report this to TMLDEALS Management, prior to leaving the premises. Once the bidder has left the premises with the item, TMLDEALS cannot issue any refund for issues arising with the item. It is highly suggested to come to preview BEFORE placing a bid, to ensure you are completely satisfied with your purchase.

Condition Notation of "Used":
Items marked "Used" indicate that they could come from a multitude of circumstances - shelf pulls, overstock, returns. An used item could be incomplete and has not be tested for functionality. Taking advantage of the listed inspection days is strongly recommended for these items. TMLDEALS cannot issue refunds on these items if there are issues arising. It is highly suggested to come to preview BEFORE placing a bid, to ensure you are completely satisfied with your purchase.

Condition Notation of "Damaged":
Items marked "Damaged" could be new or used, but are noted to have certain damage. If possible, items will have secondary photos that display the damage, but are not still not tested for completeness and functionality and could have more damage than found upon being inventoried by TMLDEALS. TMLDEALS cannot issue refunds on these items. It is highly suggested to come to preview BEFORE placing a bid, to ensure you are completely satisfied with your purchase.

Condition Notation of "Salvage (For Parts) " :
Appears to be Non-Functional and/or missing parts. Items are being sold for parts only. It is highly suggested to come to preview BEFORE placing a bid, to ensure you are completely satisfied with your purchase.

ASK QUESTIONS before bidding if pictures are not clear…